‘800 Musica Ensemble The ‘800 Musica Ensemble was founded with the aim to offer to the public the classical and romantic European repertoire through the use of original period instruments and includes well-noted musicians: its founder and leader, guitarist Marco Battaglia, an ensemble of strings composed, among others, by violinists Marco Bianchi, Raffaello Negri, Fabio Ravasi, Alessandro Vescovi, by violists Alice Bisanti, Krishna Nagaraja, Wim Janssen and cellists Paolo Bellanti, Marcello Scandelli, Marco Testori, Marlise Goidanich, the percussionists Maurizio Ben Omar and Matteo Rabolini and flutists Marco Brolli and Anna Armenante; most of them are engaged in early music orchestras, performing in all continents, collaborating with artists as Riccardo Muti, Mario Brunello and Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli and approaching ancient performance practices with various other ensembles of international level as "Il Giardino Armonico", "Europa Galante", "Byzantine Academy", etc. Among the events held since 2008, especially but not exclusively inthe first seven editions of the ‘800MusicaFestival, with Marco Battaglia as a soloist, one can cite the concerts at the Royal Villas in Milan and Monza, at the Castle of Melegnano, in Casa Magnani at Rho, for the Festival Brianza Classica, in the Teatro Fraschini of Pavia, at the Palazzo Ducale in Sassuolo (Modena) and for the Municipality of Ravenna (at the memorial of Anita Garibaldi). |
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