
Daniela Nuzzoli, mezzo-soprano

Daniela Nuzzoli is an italian singer. She was born in Senigallia, Italy and received her degrees in singing, lieder and oratorio and violin. As a singer, she has further developed her classical and baroque singing technique with Raul Hernandez, Gloria Banditelli, William Matteuzzi, Hilde Zadek, Dunja Vejzovic and Gualtiero Negrini in Los Angeles. She has sung at Radio France (Paris) in the Piccinni’s Opera Iphigénie en Tauride accompanied by the Orchestre National de France under the direction of Enrique Mazzola and she has performed Donna Elvira in Mozart’s Don Giovanni at the Nuovo Teatro delle Erbe in Milan under the direction of Charles Olivieri-Munroe. Her singing repertoire includes several roles like Dorabella in Cosi Fan Tutte (Mozart), Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro (Mozart), Idamante in Idomeneo (Mozart), Adalgisa in Norma (Bellini), Orsini in Lucrezia Borgia (Donizetti), Carmen (Bizet), Nicklaus in Tales of Hoffmann (Offenbach), Siebel in Faust (Gounod), and Stephano in Romeo and Juliette (Gounod). She sang in several prestigious Italian and International festivals including Ravenna Musica, the Festival degli Organi Antichi of Bologna, the Festival Organistico internazionale of Senigallia, Festivals de el Palacio de Bellas Artes in Barcelona, El Camino in Los Angeles, The Festival of Opera & Arts of Palm Desert, Opera Under the Stars Festival in Palm Springs (USA), between others. She has sung Mozart’s “Requiem” with the Redlands Symphony Orchestra in California and gave several recitals as a soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of Toulouse in France with a program of Italian music of Twentieth century (Puccini, Respighi, Rota). Tactus Label released her solo CD featuring Giuseppe Giordani’s original Offertori per canto e organo (world premiere recording). Currently in production is also the recording of her singing in a monographic CD featuring songs of Giuseppe Verdi and another monographic CD featuring songs of the italian composer Francesco Balilla Pratella (world premiere recording).

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